Fifth Avenue at 43rd Street with buses in foreground looking up?, New York City, New York
Gelatin silver print
comp.: 18.8 x 23.8 cm mat: 27.9 x 35.5 cm sheet: 20.4 x 25.4 cm
Inscribed; stamped - B (in pencil, in unknown hand, on print, verso, C); 97066 (in pencil, in unknown hand, on print, LL); 19200 (in ink, in unknown hand, verso, UC); LEVICK (in ink, in unknown hand, verso, C) stamped - FREDERIC LEWIS/PHOTOGRAPHS/NEW YORK CITY (in ink, on print, verso, C); FROM/ FREDERIC LEWIS/...../New York City (in blue ink, one line crossed-out, verso, CL); 56 WEST 44th ST./NEW YORK 18, N.Y. (in ink, crossed-out, verso, CL); NOTICE/This photograph on which the copyright is pending,/is sold with the understanding that it is for your use/only and not to be SYNDICATED, LOANED or used/for ADVERTISING without written release, and the/following credit li
New York (City); New York; United States;
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