View of the David Tower from the northeast showing the Solomonian foundations, Jerusalem, Ottoman Empire (now in Israel)
- Suzanne K. Williamson indicates that this photograph shows the Salomonian foundations of the David Tower (Citadel), tower "7", and tower "3", Jerusalem, Ottoman Empire (now Israel) from the northeast (Nov. 1986). Further research should include verification of this information and identification of the source(s) from which it was obtained. The cardinal point indicated in the title, also provided by Williamson, is presumed to be correct.
Albumen silver print from a paper negative
comp.: 21.6 x 27.8 cm page: 45.6 x 58.9 cm
imprinted and numbered - in black ink, on the secondary support under the image, l.c.: "4"; with title; and "L de C" [within shield]
Jerusalem; Israel;
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