Album of views of Jerusalem showing religious and public architecture, Ottoman Empire (now in Israel)
published 1859-1860
- Album PH1980:0048.03:001-028 comprises 22 views of religious sites and architecture, five views of public architecture, and one view combining both religious and public architecture. -- The 22 views of religious sites and architecture comprise eight views of or including churches; four views of tombs; three views of towers related to religious sites or structures; two views of or including mosques; two views including minarets; and one view each of or including a convent, a garden, a grotto, a synagogue, a temple, a hospice, and the House of Caiaphas. -- The five views of public architecture include three views of city gates, one view of fortifications and two cityscapes. -- The view combining both religious and public architecture shows both a city gate and a Muslim cemetery.
Albumen silver prints from paper negatives
album (closed): 46 x 61,5 x 3,3 cm comps. (range): 20 to 28,5 x 20,4 to 79,9 cm pages (range): 45,7 to 59,1 x 45,7 to 117,6 cm
- Contemporary binding consists of a red leather spine, full red leather boards covered with cloth, gilt trim and lettering, and moiré endpapers. Album has full title page. Albums PH1980:0048.03:001-028 and PH1980:0048.04:001-016 of "L. de Clercq / Voyage / en Orient" are bound together. Pages PH1980:0048.03:002 - PH1980:0048.03:008, PH1980:0048.03:012, PH1980:0048.03:018 and PH1980:0048.04:001 - PH1980:0048.04:010 are unbound.
stamped and numbered - in gold, on the cover, c.: with title and "- 4" inscribed and signed - by the photographer, in black ink, on the front end paper, u.r.: "A Maman Sophie. / Respecteux hommage de l'auteur. / Louis de Clercq" imprinted and dated - in black ink, on title page, u.c. to l.c.: "VOYAGE EN ORIENT / Vues de Jérusalem et des Vieux Saints / EN / PALESTINE / Recueil photographique exécuté par / LOUIS DE CLERCQ / 1859 1860 / TROISIÈME ALBUM / J.Blondeau [sic] et Antonin Script - Lith.H.Jannin,Paris [sic]"
Jerusalem; Israel;
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