View of a large country house, through trees, Waterson, England
ca. late 1850s
Albumen silver print
comp.: 20.8 x 28.5 cm mat: 35.5 x 43.2 cm secondary support: 26.8 x 36.0 cm sheet: 20.8 x 28.5 cm
inscribed - Dorset PhotographicallyIllustrated/By MR. JOHN POUNCY PHOTOGRAPHIC INSTITUTION, DORCHESTER.(printed on label affixed to mount near upper edge, verso) Waterson (inpencil, in unknown hand, on label affixed to mount, LC, verso); DORCHESTER,PHOTOGRAPHIC INSTITUTION, HIGH WEST STREET, JOHN POUNCY, EXECUTES,PHOTOGRAPHIC PORTRAITS, AND VIEWS, of every description, (sunshine notnecessary) thus in a sitting from Three/to Ten Seconds, obtaining all theadvantages of Oil and Miniature Painting,/with the never failing likenessof Photography. PHOTOGRAPHY.-We have recently had the opportunity ofinspecting some very beautiful specimens in this branch of art issuing fromthe studio of Mr./Pouncy, our trainsman. This art, which is destined fromall appearances to revolutionize all our preconceived ideas as to theelaborate and tedious process of portrait painting, and in fact, to entirelysupersede it, has found in him a careful and intelligent exponent.--not somuch from desire to
Waterson; England; United Kingdom;
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