Cost estimates, projected rental incomes, and a site plan for an opera house for the Théâtre Royal Italien and surrounding infrastructure on the Ministère des Affaires Étrangères and the Hôtel du Timbre site
13, 14, and 16 February 1840
Manuscript DR1974:0002:036:006:001-006 documents a project in which the Ministère des Affaires Étrangères would apparently retain the property of its archives and the Hôtel d'Etchegoyan. The project proposes the creation of a new street to provide access to the rear of the opera house and to isolate it from the Ministère des Affaires Étrangères. The principal façade of the opera house was to be on the property of the Hôtel du Timbre facing rue de la Paix. The manuscript includes proposed construction costs and rental income for the opera house, including its boutiques and café, and the adjacent shopping arcades, apartments, and houses.
Transfer lithograph with pen and brown ink
sheets: 31.5 x 20.5 cm
dated, inscribed, and numbered - see object for complete inscription
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