View of the principal façade of the Dagteeken-en Kunstambachtschool voor Meisjes [Day Art and Art Handiwork School for Girls] (also known as the Teekenschool v Meisjes [Art School for Girls]), 16 Gabriël Metsusstraat, Amsterdam, Netherlands
1908 or after
- This building is also known as the Teekenschool v Meisjes [Art School for Girls].
Gelatin silver print
comp.: 12.0 x 16.8 cm secondary support: 22.0 x 27.1 cm
inscribed - by an unknown hand, in graphite, on the secondary support, l.c.: with title stamped and imprinted - in purple ink, on the secondary support, verso, c.l.: "HP.B.N.Z. / ARCH. / A. DAM" [stamp is a circle with a triangle in the centre and the names around the inner diameter] numbered and inscribed - by unknown hands, in blue pencil, on the secondary support, verso, u.l.: "No [sic] 161"; in black pencil, u.l. to u.r.: "teekeuschool v meisjes Amsterdam" [art school for girls Amsterdam]; and in graphite, l.r.: "Mädchenschule" [Girls School]
Amsterdam; North Holland; Netherlands;
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