Exterior view of the Kauchuk Club (club for rubber industry workers), Moscow
1929 or 1930
Relief halftone ?
comp.: 9.5 x 13.9 cm sheet: 10.4 x 14.8 cm
imprinted - in the image, c.l.: with a building sign " ZAVODA KAUCHUK / KLUB GODOVSCHINY 10 OKTIABRIA" [PLANT KAUCHUK / CLUB IN HONOUR OF 10th ANNIVERSARY OF OCTOBER] imprinted, dated and numbered - in brown ink, on the print, verso, u.l.: with a seal consisting of a star with a hammer, a sickle and a wreath of wheat, and "RSFSR" [R[ussian] S[oviet] F[ederative] S[ocialist] R[epublic]] and "MOSKOVSKII SOVET / [one line illeg.]" [MOSCOW UNION]; u.c.: "POCHTOVAIA KARTOCHKA. / CARTE POSTALE."; u.r.: "Mesto / dlia / marki." [Place / for / a stamp.]; and "Mesto dlia adresa." [Place for an address.]; l.l.: "MOSCOU. CLUB DE L'USINE "CAOUT- / CHOUC". (Devitchié polé), Construit d'aprés le / projet de l'architecte K. Melnikoff, en 1929. / MOSKVA. KLUB ZAVODA "KAUCHUK" (De- / vich'e pole). Postroen po proektu arkh. K. C. / Mel'nikova v 1929 godu."; l.c.: "No 129."; and "Tsena 5 kop." [Price 5 kopek.]; and l.r.: "L'édition du trust "Mosreclamspravizdat". / Izdanie tresta "Mosreklamspravizdat". / Mosoblit No 6091. Tirazh 30.000 ekz. 1930 g. [underlined] Tip. "Izv. TSIK SSSR I VTSIK", Moskva." [Edition 30.000 copies. 1930. Pub[lisher]. "Izvestiia ? TSIK USSR and VTSIK", Moscow. ] inscribed and numbered - by unknown hands, in graphite, on the print, verso, u.r.: "S. J"; and c.l.: "$ 40.-"
Moscow; Russia (Federation);
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