Elevation for structural supports for the construction of the tower windows for Notre-Dame de Montréal; verso: Elevation for structural supports for the construction of the tower windows for Notre-Dame de Montréal
Pen and black ink over graphite; verso: pen and black ink over graphite
sheet: 50.5 x 62.6 cm
- recto-verso - Drawings AR1996:1001:142 - AR1996:1001:163 are sewn together with string. The drawing is sewn u.l. to l.l. to the other drawings.
inscribed - by the draughtsman, in pen and black ink, in various locations: with measurements; b.: with title; and in graphite, b.: "2 of these Wanted -" inscribed - by the draughtsman, in pen and black ink, verso, throughout: with measurements; b.: "For the Towers in front of the Portall [sic]. 7 feet opeing [sic] / outside. 2 of these are Wanted, and 2 for the Niches / in the East end - Same opening -"; and in pen and brown ink, u.l.: with calculations
Montréal Île de Montréal Québec Canada
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