Architectural projects
Inclus dans:
Personnes et institutions:
  • Stirling and Gowan (creator)
  • James Stirling (Firm) (creator)
  • James Stirling and Partner (creator)
  • James Stirling, Michael Wilford, and Associates (creator)
  • Michael Wilford and Partners (creator)
  • Michael Wilford GmbH (creator)
  • James Frazer Stirling (archive creator)

Architectural projects



Niveau de description archivistique:
Sub-Series 1
  • approximately 51 359 drawings (including approximately 11,501 reprographic copies)
    approximately 18 176 photographic materials
    112.29 l.m. of textual records
    471 rolls of drawings
    43 models
    37 artefacts
    13 maps
    2 panels
Présentation du contenu:
Sub-series documents competition entries and projects by James Stirling, and by the successive firms of James Stirling; Stirling and Gowan; James Stirling and Partner; James Stirling, Michael Wilford, and Associates; Michael Wilford and Partners; and Michael Wilford GmbH. Several projects were carried out in association with other architects, including Léon Krier, Walter Nägeli, and the firms of Giancarlo de Carlo and of Marlies Hentrup Norbert Heyer. A majority of projects were designed for London, England and other locations in England and Scotland, Germany and the United States. Other projects were designed for Italy, Iran, Japan, France, Algeria, Spain, Netherlands, Kenya, Qatar, Canada, Singapore and Switzerland. Material in this sub-series was produced between 1951 and probably 2004.
The publication drawings for Stirling's projects were often drawn by Leon Krier, Russell Bevington, or Ulrich Schaad ('British Architecture Today', 1991).

Sub-series contains reference drawings, conceptual and design development drawings, publication and presentation drawings and panels, and working drawings. It also contains photographic materials, textual records, models and artefacts.
Numéro de référence:


Mode de classement:
The series is arranged chronologically by year of project.

A project register was not present in the fonds records. Individual project files in the Projects sub-series (AP140.S2.SS1) consist of all material relating to the preparation, development, realization and promotion of a project, and include drawings, photographic materials, textual records, models and artefacts. Original arrangement of the drawings by broad stages in the design process was generally respected, but some reordering and rearrangement within these groups was carried out in certain cases, particularly when numbered sequences or clear groupings of drawings had been disturbed.
Droits d’auteur:

© © Wilford Schupp Architekten GmbH

Langue et écriture des documents:
  • Documents are in English, German, Italian, Spanish and Japanese, with some in French, Persian, Dutch, Chinese and Arabic.
Sources complémentaires:
  • Photographs and negatives relating to specific projects files can also be found in the Photographic Materials sub-series (AP140.S2.SS7), and in the Posters and Photographs file in the Office Records sub-series (AP140.S2.SS10.D4), both in the Professional Papers series.
Note générale:
  • Projects have been processed and catalogued up to approximately 1992, the date of James Stirling's death. Projects dated after 1992 are listed in the finding aid and have been processed at a preliminary level. The extents and often the dates for these projects are approximate. Consult archivist for further information.

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