State Gallery Addition and New Chamber Theatre Competition and Construction, Stuttgart, Germany
Inclus dans:
Personnes et institutions:
  • James Stirling and Partner (creator)
  • James Stirling, Michael Wilford, and Associates (creator)
  • James Stirling and Partner (architectural firm)
  • James Stirling, Michael Wilford, and Associates (architectural firm)
  • James Frazer Stirling (archive creator)

State Gallery Addition and New Chamber Theatre Competition and Construction, Stuttgart, Germany



Niveau de description archivistique:
File 52
  • 3,52 l.m. of textual records
    approximately 2441 drawings (including approximately 286 reprographic copies)
    approximately 1025 photographic materials
    33 rolls of drawings
    2 artefacts
Présentation du contenu:
File documents a successful competition entry and an executed project for an addition to the State Gallery and for a new Chamber Theatre and music school in Stuttgart, Germany. Project was begun by the firm of James Stirling and Partner and completed by successor firm James Stirling Michael Wilford and Associates. Material in this file was produced between 1977 and 1992.

File contains records submitted for and pertaining to the competition held in 1977 as well as material subsequently produced for the execution of the project. It includes several conceptual and design development drawings, presentation drawings including drawings submitted for the competition and drawings produced for publication purposes, as well as a large number of working drawings. File also contains photographic materials showing competition and study models, the building site and the completed building, including several by photographers Richard Bryant, John Donat Photography, Marlies Hentrup, Alastair Hunter, Waltraud Krase, Wilhelm Mierendorf, Axel Stoffers and Peter Walser. Textual records relate mainly to the competition, and to the design and construction of the project, to publications and building ceremonies, and include competition programmes and reports, correspondence, financial records, reprographic copies of working drawings, minutes as well as draft and final versions of essays and speeches by James Stirling and others.
Numéro de référence:


Mode de classement:
Current arrangement is based on original grouping of records which combined material related to and submitted for the competition held in 1977 and material produced subsequently for the execution phase of the Staatsgalerie Addition and New Chamber Theatre project.

Stuttgart Allemagne

Langue et écriture des documents:
  • Documents are in German and English.
Sources complémentaires:
  • Photographs AP140.S2.SS7.D1.P14, slides AP140.S2.SS7.D2.P8, textual records AP140.S2.SS10.D1.P32, file AP140.S2.SS4.D5, and working drawings AP140.S2.SS3.D10.P5 also include information on file AP140.S2.SS1.D52.

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