Public and Urban Architecture
Personnes et institutions:
  • Centre canadien d'architecture (compiler)
  • Charles Rohault de Fleury (architect)

Public and Urban Architecture



Niveau de description archivistique:
File 4
  • 4 albums
Présentation du contenu:
The CCA collection includes albums of drawings for some of Charles Rohault de Fleury's most important public architectural projects, built and unbuilt. They provide valuable insight into his design development process, construction techniques, and flexibility regarding building types and styles, as well as illuminating the larger issues of urban planning and the complex interaction between architect, contractor, and entrepreneur in mid-19th century France.

The neo-Moorish Hippodrome National (DR1974:0002:017:001-060) - an ephemeral structure constructed of a wood frame with canvas sheathing- was built adjacent to the Place de l'Étoile in 1845 and destroyed in 1856. The documents and drawings in the album provide a highly detailed and complete overview of the project from the study of historical models to contract drawings. Written documentation, including cost estimates, a contract, daily accounts of construction, entrepreneur's accounts, and correspondence with the principal contractor, is particularly revealing of the working procedures on a large commercial project.

In 1855 Charles and Auguste Joseph Pellechet constructed the Chambre des Notaires on the newly transformed Place du Chatelet - the intended centre point of Haussmann's 'Nouveau Paris' (1). The CCA album contains primarily transfer lithographed working and contract drawings signed by the entrepreneurs and/or contractors (DR1974:0002:022:001-021). The plans reflect Charles' sensitive integration of iron and masonry construction, which allowed for abundant fenestration on the side facades, while maintaining the traditional aspects of character and solidity required in a prominent urban building.

Charles' approach to the design of more utilitarian structures is indicated in his album of competition drawings for a municipal slaughterhouse submitted to the city of Saint-Germain-en-Laye, 1846-1847 (DR1974:0002:023:001-012). His interpretation of the written programme (included in the album) and the resulting design, is strongly influenced by his father's previous slaughterhouse projects, as well as his own for La Villete, 1835-1836 (see DR1974:0002:014:001-104 in Hubert Rohault de Fleury's Public and Urban Architecture (file CI001.S3.D1)). The pared down Neoclassical style of the slaughterhouse is typical of both Charles and Hubert's utilitarian structures.

Charles' largest public urban project outside of Paris was for an unexecuted Hôtel de Prefecture (Departement de la Vienne) and Hôtel de Ville for the city of Poitiers, 1859-1860 (DR1974:0002:020:001-050). The project for the Louis XIIIth style Hotel de Prefecture is fairly complete and includes many working drawings, while the Francis Ist style Hotel de Ville is much less developed and consists primarily of unbound sketches and finished drawings.

A site plan indicates that Charles intended the Hôtel de Prefecture and Hôtel de Ville to be located nearly opposite each other and connected by a major thoroughfare. The placement of both structures in the western quarter of the city probably reflects an earlier urban renewal plan proposed by the architects Morandiere et Compaing in 1849. The Hôtel de Prefecture (1864-1868) and Hotel de Ville (1869-1876) were eventually built after designs by Antoine Guerinot, in the same style, and on sites close to those proposed by Charles.

Drawings and engravings of antique and contemporary theatres, fountains, honorific monuments, and large public projects by other architects are collected in album DR1974:0002:010:001-048 for reference purposes (some of these may have been collected by his father Hubert).

(1) David Van Zanten, "Building Paris: Architectural Institutions and the Transformation of the French Capital, 1830-1870" (Cambridge, Eng.: Cambridge University Press, 1994), p. 235 and pp. 233-241 for the development of the Place du Chatelet.
Numéro de référence:


Sources complémentaires:
  • Album DR1974:0002:010:001-048 in file Opera Houses (CI001.S4.D1) also relates to the public and urban architecture of Charles Rohault de Fleury.

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