Panorama of the Hudson
This album titled 'Panorama of the Hudson' shows views of the east bank of the river printed upside down under corresponding views of the west bank. The full title reads:
"Panorama of the Hudson showing both sides of the River from New York to Albany. First photo-panorama of any river ever published. One hundred and fifty miles of continuous scenery accurately represented from eight hundred consecutive photographs. From the metropolis to the capital the Hudson varies in width from a half mile to four miles and a half; but the river remains uniform in these pages as most convenient for a book of reference or tourist guide". Sites of interest are noted in typeface on both east and west sides of the river.
On verso of title page : Copyright 1888 by Bryant Literary Union. Photographed by G. Willard Shear. Engraved by Moss Engraving Company. Printed by A.V. Haight. Published by Bryant Literary Union. Evening Post Building.
album: 19,5 x 31,1 x 1,2 cm compositions: 14,6 x 25,4 cm sheets: 19,5 x 30,5 cm
- Grey cardboard cover boards with green cloth over stapes with gilt lettering on front and back cover.
imprinted and dated
Albany New York États-Unis
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