Certificates, including diploma and a medal, for various awards and honours
certificates, including Diploma, Award of a Medal for good design in Housing, presented to James Stirling and James Gowan for the Housing redevelopment in Avenham, Preston in 1963; American Institute of Architects, Certificate of Honor, The 1965 R. S. Reynolds Memorial Award, presented to James Stirling and James Gowan and to Leicester University for the Leicester University Engineering Building; Concrete Society Award, presented to James Stirling for the Students' residences, University of St. Andrews, in 1969; American Institute of Architects, Certificate of Honorary Fellowship presented to James Stirling in 1976; National Institute of Arts and Letters, Prize in Architecture, Arnold W. Brunner Award, presented to James Stirling in 1976; Bund Deutscher Architekten BDA, Honorary Membership; Bund Deutscher Architekten BDA, Landesverband Baden-Württemberg, Auszeichnung guter Bauten for the State Gallery Addition and New Chamber Theatre Competition project, presented in 1987; Royal Institute of British Architects, Regional Award 1988, Architecture Award, London Region, for the Clore Gallery in 1988; Bund Deutscher Architekten BDA, Hugo-Häring-Preis, awarded for the State Gallery Addition and New Chamber Theatre Competition project, in 1988; Civic Trust Awards, certificate awarded for the Clore Gallery in 1989.
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