Inter-Action Centre
Inclus dans:
Personnes et institutions:
  • Cedric Price (architect)
  • Felix J. Samuely & Partners (consulting engineering firm)
  • Baker, Wilkins & Smith (quantity surveyors)
  • Will Alsop (assistant)
  • Cedric Price (archive creator)

Inter-Action Centre


1964-1992, predominant 1970-1981

Niveau de description archivistique:
File 82
  • 403 reprographic copies
    219 drawings
    16 maps
    5 panels
    3 models
    2.43 l.m. textual records
    0.16 l.m. photographs
Présentation du contenu:
File documents Inter-Action Centre, a completed project for a community centre commissioned by Ed Berman and the Inter-Action Trust, for a disused site at Talacre Public Open Space in Kentish Town, Camden, London. The construction was divided into two phases. Foundations, steel frame and trusses were constructed first and could be used for open-air community events while funds were being raised for the second phase. Phase II included cladding, fittings, finishes, services prefabricated units, and log cabins. The building was intended as a flexible short life-span building in which the interior spaces would be independent of the roof and exterior walls. Functional areas suggested by Cedric Price include: assembly halls, classrooms, rehearsal rooms, studios, areas for performance, media resources, lounging and dining, and a gym and a nursery. Cedric Price had been engaged by the concepts of flexible architecture, indeterminacy, impermanence, and the fusion of information technology, entertainment, and educational activities in earlier unrealized projects such as Fun Palace (AP144.S2.D46) and Oxford Corner House (AP144.S2.D59). Existing conditions drawings include photographs of the site; reprographic copies of electrical and drainage systems; ordinance surveys of Kentish Town; and landscape and playground layout. Conceptual drawings include sketches of overall massing; diagrammatic plans; drawings and diagrams of site conditions; notes for the structural framework; rendered interior elevations; plans showing impact of site context on building design; diagrammatic sketches of relationship between functional requirements and structural form. Schematic drawings include diagrammatic plans; sections of structural system and exterior wall; cladding details; and axonometric views of supports. Design development drawings and working drawings include plans, elevations, sections, details and axonometric views. Presentation drawings include watercolours and other renderings; reprographic copies, possibly for publication; and perspectives drawings. Some material from this file was published in "Inter-action Centre." 'RIBA Journal'. (November 1977), 458-465; "Intervista A Cedric Price: London Interaction Centre." 'Domus'. (April 1978), 17-21; "Kentish Town West Amalgam, London." 'Architectural Record'. (January 1973), 19; Lyall, Sutherland. 'The State of British Architecture'. (London: Architectural Press, 1980), 107-109; 130 and 'Cedric Price-Works II' (London: Architectural Press, 1984), 54, 62-63. Material in this file was produced between 1964 and 1992, but predominantly between 1970 and 1981.
File contains technical drawings that are attributed to the following consultants, contractors, and manufacturers: Coseley Buildings Ltd; H.G. Deacon Ltd; Kayanson Engineers; H.J. Knights & Co. Ltd; Woodcemair; Metal Sections Ltd; Spaceway; Gascoigne, Gush & Dent (Engineering Ltd); UBM Engineering; J. Murphy & Sons Ltd; Maurice Pickering Associates, Architects & Landscape Consultants; David Lee Architect & Landscape Architect; J. Starkie Gardner Ltd; Dibben Structural Engineers; Zisman, Bowyer & Partners; Felix J. Samuely and Partners; Ruberoid Contracts Ltd; Whitbread London Limited; and Portakabin.
Paul Hyett and Will Alsop were Cedric Price's main assistants for this project.
'Inter-Action Trust Limited', 'Inter-Action Centre', and 'Talacre Centre Limited' appear as the client(s) at various stages of this project.

File contains cartographic materials, conceptual drawings, consultant drawings, design development drawings, models, panels, photographic materials, presentation drawings, an illustration, textual records, and working drawings.
Numéro de référence:


Mode de classement:
Materials in this series were kept in the original order in which they were received.
Conditions d’accès:
  • The entire contents of Box DR1995:0252:632:011 are restricted for consultation.

Camden London Greater London Angleterre Royaume-Uni

Langue et écriture des documents:
  • English
Sources complémentaires:
  • For additional materials related to this project, see files DR2004:0455, DR2004:1199 and DR2004:0036 in this fonds.
Note générale:
  • Box DR1995:0252:632:001 contains a letter by Cedric Price (21 May 1971) in which he describes how he runs his office and lists the types of projects he undertakes.

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