Interior and exterior views of public buildings, gardens and square in Hildesheim, Germany
between 1860s and 1896
Albumen silver print
album (closed): 17,3 x 11,8 x 1,9 cm pages (range [rounded corners]): 16,6 to 16,8 x 10,8 to 10,9 cm sheets (range): 9,4 to 14,6 x 9,2 to 14,6 cm
- Contemporary binding consists of tan paper-covered boards which are partially decayed.
stamped - on PH1981:614:004, in orange ink, on the mount, l.l: "Photodr. v. Mertens & Cie., Berlin" [Printer, Mertens & Cie., Berlin] stamped - on PH1981:614:007 - PH1981:614:014, in orange ink, on the mount, l.l.: "Photodr. V.J. Nöhring, Lübeck." [Printer, V.J. Nöhring, Lübeck.] stamped - in orange or brown ink, on most of the mounts, l.c. or l.r.: "Verlag v. August Lax. i. Hildesheim" [Publisher, August Lax, Hildesheim] stamped - in red ink, on the album cover, l.c. to l.r.: with title
Hildesheim; Germany;
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