View of the Guyana and Barbados Pavilion, Expo 67, Montréal, Québec
"Que les pavillons soient petits ou grands, ils apportent l'atmosphère du pays qu'ils représentent. Le pavillon de la Barbade et de la Guyane en est un exemple. / Barbados and Guyana Pavilion at Expo 67 ----- The joint pavilion of Barbados and Guyana is on Ile Notre-Dame. Though both countries participate under the same roof, there are separate exhibits emphasizing the individual contributions of each country to the story of mankind. Barbados coral stone and Guyana woods form basic materials for the pavilion. There is a bar with an exotic tropical setting specializing in drinks made with Barbados and Demerara rum."--Description.
Gelatin silver print
sheet: 20,32 x 25,4 cm
- A description (typescript) is affixed to the photograph's verso.
Montréal Île de Montréal Québec Canada
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