Coloured slides of the Pavilions of Trinidad & Tobago, and Grenada, of India, of the Katimavik and of the Steel Pavilion, Expo 67, Montréal, Québec
The case contains slides of the Pavilion of Trinidad & Tobago (4), of the Pavilion of India (2, + 3 incorrectly identified as Mexico, + 1 incorrectly identified as Habitat 67 [the grey scale drawing at the right is a representation of the same monument found in front of the Indian Pavilion] = 6), of the Steel Pavilion (1) and of the [Katimavik] (3)***.
***The Katimavik is inscribed on the case ARCH262025, however the corresponding slides are located in case ARCH261938 since there is no space to store them in ARCH262025.
Montréal Île de Montréal Québec Canada
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