Miscellaneous views of landscape and architectural subjects, mostly British
Album containing views of England and one loose photograph glued onto a cardboard showing the Panorama dal Monte dei Cappuccini, Torino. The album views show mostly cathedrals of England in several cities: London, Lincoln, Norwich, Beverley, Salisbury, Ripon, Rochester, Exeter, Hereford, Lichfield, Gloucester, Ely, Peterborough, Carlisle, Wells, York and Hampton. Other buildings and rooms are the Guild Hall, Albert hall, Albert Memorial, House of Lords and of Commons, Crystal Palace, Buckingham Palace, Windsor Castle, Tower of London, Peer's Robeing Room, House of Lords, Royal Gallery, Crown Jewels Tower, Royal Alhambra Palace, the Thames embankment, Cleopatra's Needle, gardens, lakes and lighthouses. Two other views are of (probably) Sinab (Iran) and two others show paintings, a seascape by Beechey, 1878 and a still life.
Albumen silver prints
album: 34.2 x 42.1 x 3.6 cm (13 7/16 x 16 9/16 x 1 7/16 in.) secondary supports: 32,7 x 39,5 cm compositions (min.): 8,8 x 8,5 cm compositions (max.): 20,8 x 26 cm
- Contemporary binding consists of reddish cloth-covered boards with black leather corners. Gold trim on covers and spine, embossed design on spine. White moiré endpapers. Photos glued on rectos and versos of pages. - Back cover is detached from spine. One loose photograph glued on a secondary support is in album.
inscribed and numbered
Angleterre Royaume-Uni
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