Portfolio for application to the graduate program at Yale University
Ring binder containing drawings, photographs, reprographic copies, stats of architectural, art, and graphic design work, and a watercolour related to Melvin Charney's activities as a student at McGill University, and include the following early projects:
- Kitchen details for Mr. and Mrs. A. Zion (1 stat);
- Design of vol. 2, no. 2 of YES: A Creative Quarterly (1 copy);
- Small weekend house (3 stats);
- Curb-service restaurant, for summer use only, on a Laurentian road (2 stat);
- Studio-house in the Laurentian mountains (2 stats);
- Apartment house to complete an existing pattern of older garden apartments (3 stats);
- Community library for the Town of Mount Royal (6 stats);
- Motel near the St. Lawrence River (2 stats);
- Child centre (3 stats);
- Building for the Province of Quebec Architects Association (4 stats);
- Cloverdale shopping centre (1 stat);
- Morse Jewellers (4 stats);
- Steinberg's supermarket, Montreal North;
- Reinforced concrete canopy, Molson Stadium (1 sketch, 1 photograph, 1 stat);
- Town of Dorval subdivision proposal (1 stat);
- Ottawa City Hall, study of lighting of areas in the building (1 stat);
- Entrance vestibule, 1552 St. Matthew Street, Montreal (1 stat).
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