Texts of Cornelia Hahn Oberlander for various lectures
Contains typescript text for the following lectures by Cornelia Hahn Oberlander:
- The Magic of Sand - Indoors and Out
- Planning for Play Everywhere. Play in Hospitals, 1984.
- Landscape Architecture in the 20th Century: The Relationship of Architecture and
- Landscape Architecture. Museum of Modern Art October 21-22.
- Lecture given at the Vancouver Art Gallery, 1954.
- The TVA as creator of a Regional Landscape.
- Greening the City. University of Texas. November 18, 1994.
- The Garden in My Life and My Work. Western Washington University. June 14, 1988.
- Nature in the City: or, the City in Nature. Architecture and Urban Studies Alliance, Calgary, Alberta. February 11, 1987.
- Address to the Graduating Classes in Agrcultural Sciences, Applied Science, Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Community and Regional Planning, Forestry,
- Interdisciplinary Studies. The University of British Columbia. May 29, 1991.
- The Garden as Art. Van Dusen Botanical Garden. October 2, 1990.
- Landscapes that Shaped Vancouver. The Society of Architectural Historians. October 13, 2000.
- Breaking Ground. Smith College. March 26, 2001.
- Green Spaces: Inspiring Landscapes by Women - Landscape Architecture in the Next Millenium. Hotel Vancouver. March 29, 1999.
- Landscape Architecture: Bridge Between Buliding and Nature. Toronto, ON. November 26, 1999.
- Limiting Footprints: An Ecological Approach to Landscape Architecture. Harvard University. March 27, 2001.
- Leadership in Landscape: Sustainable Development Directions for the Future. Smith College. March 18, 1998.
- Linking Places to Design: An Ecological Approach. Alaska Design Forum Lecture. April 1999.
- Limiting Footprints: An Ecological Approach to Landscape Architecture. February 22, 2001.
- The Meanings of Gardens… Transformed. University of Virginia. March 23, 2001.
- Landscape Architecture North of the Arctic Circle. University of Massachusetts, Amherst. March 26, 2007.
- Landscape Architecture Aesthetics and Sustainability. Palm Springs, CA. March 15,
- Limiting Footprints: Low Impact Technologies. University of Arkansas. February 20,
- Conservation of 20th Century Canadian Landscapes. ASLA CSLA Montreal. September 22, 2001.
- Government Complex of the Province of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC: Changes of a City. October 11, 1979.
- Heritage of Green Spaces: Robson Square. Vancouver Heritage Foundation. April 21, 2010.
- Where Architecture Meets the Trees. Smith College. February 29, 1992.
- Green Roofs and Sustainable Development: Ideas into Action. McGill University. October 21, 2005.
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