Views of monuments and statues in Québec
circa 1927-1946
The group consist chiefly of views of monuments and statues in Québec, including the statue of de Maisonneuve at the Place d'Armes in Montréal and the Madeleine de Verchères monument in Verchères. There are also several views of monuments in Ottawa and one view of Grand Pré Park in Nova Scotia. Several of the subjects are the work of artist Louis-Philippe Hébert. There is one photograph of the tablet erected at Sainte-Sophie d'Halifax by the Department of Mines and Resources to commemorate the birthplace of Louis-Philippe Hébert (accompanied by a letter from the Lands, Parks and Forests Branch of the Department of Mines and Resources). There is one photograph of the painting by Robert Harris of O.R. Jacobi, accompanied by a letter on letterhead of the National Gallery of Canada. The group includes a memo from the Can.Govt. Motion Picture Bureau dated Feb. 22, 1938. There are stamps and/or inscriptions on several of the photographs.
sheet (smallest): 12.7 × 19.4 cm sheet (largest): 20.5 × 25.5 cm
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