Ring binder with photographic materials related to thirty-six projects by Abalos & Herreros
Inclus dans:
Personnes et institutions:
  • Abalos & Herreros (architectural firm)
  • Abalos & Herreros (archive creator)

Ring binder with photographic materials related to thirty-six projects by Abalos & Herreros


between 1979 and 2000


Contains photographic materials on projects by Abalos & Herreros:
- Coria, Arzumendi (135 negatives, including 22 strips: interior and exterior views);
- Hotel?, M-30? (51 negatives, including 8 strips: interior and exterior views);
- Coria (14 negatives, including 1 strip: interior and exterior views, and plans);
- Vivienda unifamiliar, Urbanizacion Navahonda (161 negatives, including 33 strips: plans, sketches, construction and exterior views);
- Casa Alonso (28 negatives, including 7 strips: interior and exterior views, and views of a medal);
- Siete viviendas de protección oficial y bajos comerciales (95 negatives, including 7 strips: interior and exterior views);
- Dos viviendas y local comercial (82 negatives, including 7 strips: interior and exterior views);
- Hotel de Carretera (37 negatives, including 6 strips: exterior views);
- Casa Sanchez Ocaña Plasencia (6 negatives, including 1 strip: exterior views);
- Auditorio al aire libre en la casa de campo (2 negatives, including 1 strip: exterior and construction views);
- C.O.A.D.E., Badajoz (12 negatives: interior and exterior views, and a portrait);
- Centro Cultural, Cobeña, AP164.S1.1986.D4 (8 negatives, including 2 strips: views of model);
- Polideportivo y piscina cubierta de Vallecas, AP164.S1.1986.D1 (4 negatives, including 1 strip: exterior views);
- Estación depuradora de aguas residuales "El Endrinal", Villalba, AP164.S1.1986.D5.SD1 (5 negatives, including 1 strip: exterior views);
- Estación depuradora de aguas residuales, Majadahonda, AP164.S1.1986.D5.SD2 (48 negatives, including 15 strips: interior and exterior views);
- Estación depuradora de aguas residuales "El Chaparral", Guadarrama, AP164.S1.1986.D5.SD3 (2 negatives: exterior views);
- Ordenación de la Plaza Castilla, AP164.S1.1986.D6 (122 negatives, including 23 strips: views of model, exterior views, and a portrait);
- Ordenación de Nueva Montaña Quijano en Santander, AP164.S1.1987.D1 (35 negatives, including 9 strips: exterior and aerial views);
- Viviendas, locales y garajes en la M-30, AP164.S1.1988.D3 (24 negatives, including 4 strips: exterior views);
- Parque de las Naciones, AP164.S1.1988.D5 (3 negatives, including 1 strip: views of model);
- Edificio de oficinas de RENFE, AP164.S1.1989.D3 (126 negatives, including 32 strips: interior and exterior views);
- Vivienda y ciudad, avenida Diagonal, Barcelona, AP164.S1.1989.D4 (24 negatives, including 4 strips; 1 photograph: construction and exterior views, and a portrait);
- Polideportivo los Zumacales, AP164.S1.1990.D1 (67 negatives, including 19 strips: construction, interior and exterior views);
- Polideportivo Parquesol, AP164.S1.1990.D2 (46 negatives, including 15 strips: construction, interior and exterior views);
- Edificio administrativo por el Ministerio del Interior, AP164.S1.1990.D3 (71 negatives, including 15 strips: construction, interior and exterior views);
- RENFE Burgos, AP164.S1.1990.D4 (16 negatives, including 3 strips: exterior views);
- Polideportivo Madrigal de las Altas Torres, AP164.S1.1990.D6 (101 negatives, including 23 strips: views of model, exterior views and a portrait);
- Cityvips, Fuencarral, AP164.S1.1990.D7 (39 negatives, including 11 strips, 1 photograph: interior and exterior views);
- Concurso Embajada de Francia, AP164.S1.1991.D1 (26 negatives, including 7 strips: views of model);
- Palencia Parque Europa, AP164.S1.1991.D2 (158 negatives, including 34 strips: construction, model and exterior views);
- Madrid Sur, AP164.S1.1991.D3 (76 negatives, including 20 strips: exterior views);
- Puerto Málaga, AP164.S1.1992.D1 (181 negatives, including 41 strips: views of the port and of model);
- Ayuntamiento y casa de la cultura de Cobeña, AP164.S1.1992.D2 (81 negatives, including 22 strips: model, interior and exterior views, and portraits);
- Grassy, reforma de locales?, AP164.S1.1990.D8 (4 negatives, including 1 strip: exterior views);
- Centro cívico y comercial, Majadahonda, AP164.S1.1992.D3 (63 negatives, including 17 strips: exterior views);
- Sala municipal y plaza en Colmenarejo, AP164.S1.1997.D11 (9 negatives, including 2 strips: exterior views).

Quantité / Type d’objet:
1 File
  • 1000 black-and-white negatives (including 170 negative strips), 898 colour reversal films (including 230 strips), 64 sepia negatives (including 11 negative strips), 2 black-and-white contact sheets

ring binder: 32 × 28,3 × 5,8 cm

Numéro de référence:



inscribed and labelled

Mention de crédit:
Abalos & Herreros fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Iñaki Ábalos et Juan Herreros/
Gift of Iñaki Ábalos and Juan Herreros

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