Casa Verde, Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid, Spain (1997)
Inclus dans:
Personnes et institutions:
  • Abalos & Herreros (archive creator)
  • Abalos & Herreros (architectural firm)
  • Iñaki Abalos (architect)
  • Juan Herreros (architect)
  • Mariano Maqueda (client)
  • Olga Montón (client)

Casa Verde, Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid, Spain (1997)


1995-1999, predominant 1997-1998

Niveau de description archivistique:
  • 94 reprographic copies
    91 printouts
    74 drawings
    5 photographic materials
    0,01 l.m. of textual records
Présentation du contenu:
The project series documents the design of the “Green House” for Mariano Maqueda and Olga Montón, in Pozuelo de Alarcón, in the Community of Madrid, Spain. The firm identified this project as number 103.

“The project is located in a typical bit of middle-class suburbia, in which low-density housing, wasteland, amenities and clumps of pine trees intermingle, giving form to the idea of an urban existence that is in contact with nature. [Abalos & Herreros] decided to be extremely direct and to stress this aspiration by using gardening techniques. In fact, the house as a whole can be understood as an example of a giant ars-topiaria, an idea that is not at odds with the fact that it will be lived in by a landscape architect. The sloping topography is taken advantage of to build a house that has continuity with the natural environment, avoiding differentiation between the house and the terrain: the whole house is garden and the whole garden is house. The project is, then, a topological mechanism for arranging and modeling the land so as to increase and to obtain maximum enjoyment from the landscape’s weaker stimuli: the pine trees, the near-by stream, the setting of the sun over the skyline of Madrid from the house’s highest point… Natural views and artificial views: a green machine.” (ARCH270971)

Documenting the project are conceptual, design development and working drawings, forms, invoices and contracts.
Numéro de référence:


Mode de classement:
Materials in this project series were kept in their original order.

Pozuelo de Alarcón Espagne

Langue et écriture des documents:
  • Spanish
Sources complémentaires:
  • Note that there are additional graphic materials, printouts, and 138 photographic materials related to this project arranged in series AP164.S2 and AP164.S3. See files ARCH277384, ARCH278245, ARCH278362, ARCH278365, ARCH278441, ARCH278485, ARCH268525, ARCH268541, ARCH268718, ARCH268725, ARCH270962, ARCH270963, ARCH270966, ARCH270971, ARCH270972, ARCH270973, ARCH270974, and ARCH274657. Other related material is also found in project series AP164.S1.1993.D2.

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