Barcelona Forum 2004, Santa Adrià de Besòs, Barcelona, Spain (2000)
Inclus dans:
Personnes et institutions:
  • Abalos & Herreros (archive creator)
  • Abalos & Herreros (architectural firm)
  • Iñaki Abalos (architect)
  • Juan Herreros (architect)

Barcelona Forum 2004, Santa Adrià de Besòs, Barcelona, Spain (2000)



Niveau de description archivistique:
  • 484 printouts
    303 photographic materials
    106 reprographic copies
    39 drawings
    1 model
    1 CD-R
    1 floopy disk
    1 videocassette
    0.87 l.m. of textual records
Présentation du contenu:
The project series documents the competition entry and infrastructure development of the northeast coast park (Parque litoral nord-est, Barcelona Forum 2004, Sant Adrià de Besòs) and adjoining recycling plant (Edificio de oficinas y planta integral de RSU) in Santa Adriá de Besòs, Barcelona, Spain. The firm identified this project as number 133.

The competition was organized by the Barcelona City Council and was part of a larger plan to develop new infrastructure for Barcelona, as the Host City for the International Forum of Cultures held in 2004. A number of architects and firms were involved in other projects related to the infrastructure plan, like the South East Coastal Park & Auditoriums by the Foreign Office Architects (See AP171.S1.2000.D6).

The park included several other features, like the design of urban furniture (Pep and Xurret benches, and a fence), an artificial mountain, a youth hostel, a small security building and a pier. Only the park, the artificial mountain and the benches were built. The firm arranged work for this project with the following numbers: 133-1, 133-2, 133-6 to 133-8, and 133-10. The CCA did not receive materials classified under numbers 133-9 and 133-11.

The recycling plant includes, among other things, office space, an ecomuseum, and a garden. Abalos and Herreros won the competition for design, construction and exploitation of the plant. The firm worked in collaboration with the firm Tersa, S.A. The firm assigned numbers 133-3 to 133-5 to identify this work.

Documenting the project are design development and working drawings, correspondence, invoices, minutes, project descriptions, studies, budgets, contracts, reference, photographic and digital materials, and a videocassette.
Numéro de référence:


Mode de classement:
This project series originally contained two sub-series that grouped records according to the park and recycling plant. It was re-processed by Alexandra Jokinen in 2020 to compile all the records. This decision was made to reflect the idea that the creators considered both the park and plant to be one project.

Barcelona Espagne

Langue et écriture des documents:
  • Catalan
  • Spanish
Sources complémentaires:
  • Note that there are additional graphic and photographic materials, plans, and textual documentation related to this project arranged in series AP164.S2 and AP164.S3. See files ARCH277038, ARCH277039, ARCH277104, ARCH277130, ARCH278353, ARCH278354, ARCH278359, ARCH278398, ARCH278428, ARCH268546, ARCH268725, ARCH268989, ARCH268997, ARCH269365, ARCH270900, ARCH270961, ARCH270966, ARCH270968, ARCH270969, ARCH270971, ARCH270973, ARCH270974, ARCH270975, ARCH270976, ARCH270978, ARCH270979, ARCH277445, ARCH277512, ARCH277702, ARCH278240, ARCH278365, ARCH278368, ARCH278382, ARCH278384, ARCH278385, ARCH278391, ARCH278392, ARCH278393, ARCH278394, ARCH278440, ARCH278452, ARCH278460, ARCH268722, ARCH280477, and ARCH274661. Other related material is also found in project series AP164.S1.1986.D5 and AP164.S1.2003.D11.

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