Copies of drawings for the Seagram Building, 375 Park Avenue, New York, N.Y.
Thirty-two drawings numbered 1, BD1, C114, LP205, S11-S12, and SK1 through SK205 with significant gaps. Drawings include section thru elevator core, section thru stair, spandrel heights, street elevations, section at lobby steps, partial plans, expansion joints (record of observation), special mullions at 1st floor (General Bronze Corporation), column schedule center core, loading platform and bumper, building model, lighting plan, fire exit signs, building elevations along north sides of E. 51st and 54th Streets (George A. Fuller Company), Four Seasons Restaurant--chain barrier details, ceiling revision (9th fl.), construction plan, rev'd bumper guard, front stair const., architectural symbols and abbreviations, truck entrance and loading dock, and window unit.
sheet (largest): 72 × 146 cm (28 3/8 × 57 1/2 in.) sheet (smallest): 50 × 28 cm (19 11/16 × 11 in.)
Some drawings are partially illegible. The drawings are rolled.
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