Saint-Michel Environmental Complex: A Landscape in Transformation series #8
A selection of 10 silver gelatin silver prints from a series of 20 titled "A Landscape in Transformation" from 1999. The print numbers in the collection are : #5, #6, #7, #8, #13, #14, #17, #18, #19 and #20. The series depicts the St. Michel Environmental complex, which originally was used as a quarry, then as a landfill and is transitioning into being an urban park. The rehabilitation of the land that the St. Michel's complex is located on began in 1995 and the transition is not expected to be complete until 2023.
Gelatin silver print
Comp:15.3 x 22.7 cm Sheet: 28.0 x 35.5 cm
Signed and dated in graphite, verso of the print. Numbered #8 in graphite and printed label "Ewa M. Zebrowski St. Michel /1999", verso of the mat
(c) Ewa M. Zebrowski
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