RUR Architecture digital working files of the Kansai-kan of the National Diet Library
This file consists of the digital working files retained by RUR Architecture at their office. It was transferred to CCA on an EZ Drive cartridge identified “Reiser + Umemoto Kansai-kan National Diet Library”.
The following files were forward-migrated to versions 6 and 7, or 8, of form*Z Project File format:
Kansai Diagrams/diagram-1
Kansai 3-D Models/building/COMPLETE BUILDING
Kansai 3-D Models/building/pig.1
Kansai 3-D Models/building/scissors
They are available by consulting AP177.S1.008.FM
Most common file formats: form*Z Project File, Macintosh PICT Image, Quark Xpress Data File, Microstation CAD Drawing, Graphics Interchange Format, Initial Graphics Exchange Specification (IGES), Macromedia Freehand.
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