Early Virtools experimentation and architecture games
22 September 1995 - 21 May 2003
This directory contains files documenting ONL's early experimentation with Virtools. It includes three interactive, game-like composition and player files. The first, titled Trans-ports, allows the user to manipulate a structure's shape and lighting. The skin of the structure can also be manipulated into streaming news headlines. The second, titled Variomatic, allows the user to customize a structure by manipulating its size, shape, color, and construction materials. The third, titled Web of North Holland, allows the user to investigate the geometries of a structure, and later allows the user to move an avatar resembling Kas Oosterhuis around inside the structure. There are also a small number of additional composition files which include drafts of a 3D structure, as well as stock Virtools composition files. Original directory name: "80 nemo to virtools conversion". Most common file formats: Waveform Audio (PCMWAVEFORMAT), JPEG File Interchange Format, Waveform Audio (WAVEFORMATEX), Unidentified, Hypertext Markup Language.
Functionality for the game-like composition and player Virtools files have not been well-documented. Controls typically include the page up/down keys, arrow keys, the number pad, and the left-most characters on a QWERTY keyboard. Users are encouraged to experiment with the interactivity of these files in the Virtools player (Dev.exe).
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