Questioning Pictures: Photograph of etching of A Firework Display in the Place, "dite au Vendredi", unknown Begium artist, 1717-1719
Photograph by Stefano Graziani of the following work: Unknown artist, Belgium, A Firework Display in the Place, "dite au Vendredi" on October 19th Century, printing between 1717 and 1719, etching 53.5 x 61.1 cm, DR1982:0240, Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
Questioning Pictures is a 36 photograph project commissioned by Fondazione Prada, Milan. Artist Stefano Graziani investigates archival and conservation systems in a number of museums. Through photographing museum objects, Graziani, focusing on the relationship between photographs, the museum objects and the power structures at play within institutions.
The museums include the Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA) in Montréal, Canada; Sir John Soane’s Museum in London, UK; the Kunstmuseum Basel, Switzerland; Museum Insel Hombroich in Neuss, Germany; the Museo di Castelvecchio in Verona, Italy; and the Plaster Cast Gallery at Museo Canova in Possagno, Italy.
Inkjet print
24.0 x 30.5 (comp.) 26.8 x 33.4 (sheet)
Signed, inscribed "for CCA" and numbered "8", on verso
Photograph © Stefano Graziani
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