AutoCAD drawings and scripts for miscellaneous designs and production drawings
1990 - 1999
This file includes material stored on floppy disks labelled "MISC DWGS" and unarranged material on a data tape and CD. These directories contain a variety of drawings, some of which seem to be related to specific projects and some of which are not. Files that are related to projects were not relocated in order to retain the original structure of the directory. Projects include: Times capsule design competition, expanding sphere at Museo Interactivo Mirador; a plan for the TKTS site, New York; designs for Disney; toy products and other miscellaneous designs. The file also contains production drawings for the assembly of parts as well as drawings for AutoCAD blocks. Most common file formats: AutoCAD Drawing, AutoLISP File, Unidentified, Drawing Interchange File Format (ASCII), Plain Text File
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