Design planning, BMW Welt, Munich
Original directory name: "04_Planung". File shows plans, drawings, renderings, project specifications, lists of plans and their circulation among consultants for design planning. These include PRO-Elektroplan GmbH, Bollinger+Grohmann, Dr. Pfeiler GmbH, Kersken + Kirchner GmbH., KBP Beratende Ingenieure GmbH, pbb planungsbüro balke, Ingenieurgemeinschaft BDP, a.g Licht, bfm, Realgruen Landschaftsarchitekten, Lang + Burkhardt Verkehrsplanung und Städtebau, Emmer Pfenninger Partner AG, IB Rüdiger Schönenberg, Thomas A. Weisse + Partner. Consultant Schmitt Stumpf Frühauf und partner (SSF) also facilitated some of the documentation’s organization and exchange. Bulk dates run from 2003-2006.
Over a third of the records are under the “CAD” directory. They are DWG data models, layouts, templates, fonts, line types and plot styles, and act as reference materials for the project. More elaborate files show drawings and plans of the roof, the double cone, the restaurants, the hall, etc. A handbook is included to guide the usage of CAD tools for the BMW Welt project, and can be found in “b_CAD\06_Handbuecher”. It provides an understanding of the firm’s methodology for the development of the project into a building. Furthermore, the “Archiv” directory contains an earlier version of the "b_CAD/01_Datenmodell" directory. Its “Transfer” sub-directory has records showing how COOP HIMMELB(L)AU sent plans to the project's stakeholders.
An additional third of the records are part of the “3D-Modell” directory which reflects the use of a diversity of software and formats (Rhino, Maya, DWG, JPG, TIFF, IGES, MAX, etc.) for plans of the various parts of the building, such as the facade, hall, roof, and double cone.
The “Raumbuch” directory includes files showing the detailed planning for all parts of a given room: plumbing, heat and ventilation, refrigeration systems, building automation, etc. Related Access and FileMaker databases can be found in file AP181.S1.006 under "b_KBP_Haustechnik\D_Berichte\Raumbuch" and "c_PRO_Elektro_Foerdertechnik\I_Raumbuch_Elektro".
Under “Valid plans” (gueltige plaene) are specific sets of plans organized under directories dated between June 2005 and April 2007. Those subdirectories also indicate the building area they concern. Most plans were saved here in PDF, although there are some AutoCAD and Rhino files too.
"Dokumentation" records are divided under three directories: design (entwurf), approval planning (genehmigungsplanung), and specifications (baubeschreibung). The first two contain plans, organized by date and building area or stakeholder. The third one contains textual records of various early scenarios of specifications for the project.
Specific and smaller sets of records in other directories include: scheduling and circulation of plans to stakeholders in “Lieferscheine_Planlisten”; early documentation on program planning in “Flaechenlisten”; reference documentation and concept presentations for the choice of materials, such as lights and facade materials, in “Materialen”; drawings and plans for the steel structure in “ZBV”; engineering data for parts of the building (basement, facade, double cone, etc.) in “Bauteilkatalog”; and stock material from the client in “3D-Modelle-BMWs”.
Most common file formats: JPEG File Interchange Format, AutoCAD Drawing, 3DM, Exchangeable Image File Format (Compressed), Acrobat PDF 1.4 - Portable Document Format
A DWF viewer was retained under “Settings” (Einstellungen), as well as a zip file containing the software Arcibem, a tool used with AutoCAD to indicate dimensions and to label rooms. Timestamp of photograph "IMG_1983.JPG" was 1980-01-04. It was modified to 2003-04-28 which corresponds to the date of the other photographs in directory "c_3D-Modell/11_BRÜCKE/e_IMAGES/modellfotos".
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