Administrative documentation for state government, BMW Welt, Munich
Original directory name: "03_Behoerde". File consists of records related to administrative procedures with the state government of Munich for the construction of BMW Welt. They include completed forms, copies of forms sent, technical drawings, third party engineer reports on the building’s structure components, and lists of the building’s rooms.
Most common file formats: Acrobat PDF 1.3 - Portable Document Format, Microsoft Word Document, Acrobat PDF 1.4 - Portable Document Format, Hewlett Packard Vector Graphic Plotter File, Graphics Interchange Format
Directory "03_11_ZMI_Prüfingenieur/G_Pläne/Eingang 2005/050425_Anschluss Brückenabhängung/PQ22_PublicWeb" [bridge suspension connection] contains a PQ_22.zsol file. This file format is associated to the Tekla Structures software, and “Contains information on solid object in the Web Viewer model”. (
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