Sangster International Airport, Montego Bay, Jamaica (1974-1977)
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Personnes et institutions:
  • John Cresswell Parkin (archive creator)

Sangster International Airport, Montego Bay, Jamaica (1974-1977)



Niveau de description archivistique:
  • Approximately 195 drawings (including 142 reprographic copies)
    0.26 l.m. of textual drawings
Présentation du contenu:
This project series documents planning and construction for Sangster International Airport in Montego Bay, Jamaica from 1974-1977. The office identified the project number as 7413.

This project consisted of renovations to the existing terminal 1 building, the addition of a terminal 2 and the addition of a small charter terminal. This work was undertaken in joint venture with other Canadian firms who worked together on airport planning projects around the world. The firms for this project consisted of Parkin Architects Planners as the architects, the Montreal Engineering Company Limited, Peat, Marwick and Partners, Ffolkes, Harrison & Partners Ltd., Rutkowski, Bradford & Partners, and IBI Group. The new terminal was a roughly rectangular building with paving and landscaping extending towards the parking lot. A long, narrow hallway moving diagonally from the main building was used for planing and deplaning. It was predicted that terminal 2 would need to be expanded in 1990 to deal with increased international traffic. This project was originally proposed in a report to plan developments for Jamaican airports from 1970-1990. It originally proposed airports in Kingston and Montego Bay, but only this Montego Bay project was realized.
The project is recorded through drawings and textual records dating from 1970-1977. The drawings include plans, sections, elevations, details, schedules, perspectives and development and phasing drawings. The textual records consist of correspondence, project reports and studies, the original 30 year development plan, drawing lists, schedules, specifications, contractor records, progress reports, meeting minutes, interoffice letters, daily diaries and tender documents.
Numéro de référence:


Mode de classement:
Materials in this project series have been compiled from different accessions and/or arranged by material type.
Conditions de réproduction:
  • File AP018.S1.1974.PR11.011 (folders 20-28): Jennifer A.C. Parkin holds copyright. Permission must be sought from the copyright holder before reproductions can be made.

Montego Bay Jamaïque

Sources complémentaires:
  • Records for related projects are also included in this fonds, see: AP018.S1.1974.PR07, Kabul Area Airport Developments, Afghanistan; AP018.S1.1979.PR11, Trinidad and Tobago Airports.

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