Elevation and plan for Folly One: The Circular Time
Elevation and plan for one of four "Folly" projects designed by Agrest and Gandelsonas for the exhibition "Architecture III: Follies: Architecture for the Late Twentieth-Century Landscape" at Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, October 22-November 19, 1983
Graphite on paper
69.7 x 79.4 cm
Title and text are inscribed on a separate sheet 6.1 x 25.6 cm Drawing and title sheet encapsulated by CCA
Text inscribed after title: "'Remember that all things rotate--, and rotate again, in the same orbit, and that for the spectator, it is the same to see them for one century, or for two, or forever.' J.L. Borges. Two identical panoramas revolve around a fixed column. The panoramas, fixed to the center pole by chain and gear, maintain a static view and periodically eclipse one another's field of vision as they revolve." Drawing is initialled by the architects and dated.
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