Elevations for Folly Four: Pascal's Sphere
Elevations for one of four "Folly" projects designed by Agrest and Gandelsonas for the exhibition "Architecture III: Follies: Architecture for the Late Twentieth-Century Landscape" at Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, October 22-November 19, 1983
Graphite on paper
69.9 x 79.1 cm
Title and text are inscribed on a separate sheet 6 x 25.4 cm Drawing and title sheet encapsulated by CCA
Text inscribed after title: "'Perhaps universal history is the history of the diverse intonations of a few metaphors.' J.L. Borges. A wooden lighthouse is linked to a stone balloon landing shaft by a mechanism that transforms the variable rotation of a windmill into the calibrated winding of a clock." Drawing is initialled by the architects and dated.
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