Exterior view of halls 26 and 27, the advertising mast, Paradise Restaurant and the Svea Rike building at the Stockholm Exhibition of 1930, Stockholm
Gelatin silver print
comp.: 16.4 x 23.2 cm sheet: 18.0 x 23.9 cm
imprinted - in the image, u.c. to c.: "L / DE / 4 STORA [characters vertical] / AA / Hela / Särden / HUSMODERN / LÄKEROL / [illeg.] / [illeg.] / RADIO PHILIPS [characters vertical] / LAMPOR / ARMATUR / MAZETTI" [on advertising mast]; c.l.: "TEXTIL" [on building façade]; l.c.: "PARADISET" [on building façade]; l.r.: "[illeg.] / noveller / 2 / VART [dot] HEM" [on façade and roof of building] stamped and dated - in red ink, on the print, verso, u.r.: "Var god returnera denna bild sna- / rast möjligt efter användandet till / Bitte das Bild nach / Gebrauch sofort zurückzusenden an / Please return this photo- / graph immediately after use to / Veuillez retourner cette photo- / graphie aussitôt après l'usage à / STOCKHOLMSUTSTÄLLNINGEN 1930 / Presskommissariatet / STOCKHOLM [underlined]"; and in purple ink, c.: "AXEL MALMSTROM / FOTOGRAF / DROTTNINGGATAN 25, STHLM / TEL. 162 687, Nerr [illeg.]" [sideways] inscribed and numbered - by an unknown hand, in graphite, on the print, verso, l.l.: "GA84.232"
Stockholm Suède
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