Imperial Bank of Canada
02P-01: b/w (19,2 x 23,5 cm); Imperial Bank of Canada, banking hall looking toward the entrance. Photographer; Rapid Grip and Batten Ltd., Montreal 02P-02: b/w (19,1 x 24 cm); Imperial Bank of Canada, banking hall looking toward the rear. Photographer; Rapid Grip and Batten Ltd., Montreal 02P-03: b/w (19,1 x 23,9 cm); Imperial Bank of Canada, banking hall as seen from stairs. Photographer; Rapid Grip and Batten Ltd., Montreal 02P-04: b/w (19,1 x 24,0 cm); Imperial Bank of Canada, banking hall entrance. Photographer; Rapid Grip and Batten Ltd., Montreal 02P-05: b/w (23,3 x 13,6 cm); Imperial Bank of Canada, mural of "Jacques Cartier 1534", artist unknown. Photographer; Rapid Grip and Batten Ltd., Montreal 02P-06: b/w (23,2 x 13,5 cm); Imperial Bank of Canada, mural of "The Fur Traders 1790", artist unknown. Photographer; Rapid Grip and Batten Ltd., Montreal
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