Site plan of the Cimetière du faubourg Saint-Antoine (also known as l'Ancien Cimetière Catholique), Montréal
15 November 1867
Pen and black ink and light purple, green and grey watercolour
sheet: 79.4 x 62.2 cm
- The drawing is visible through the support from the verso.
inscribed, dated and signed - by the draughtsman, in pen and purple ink, c.r.: with title; and in pen and black ink: "Montréal 15 Novembre 1867 Fait par / H.M.Perrault [signature, underlined] / arpr. prof. [underlined]" inscribed and numbered - by the draughtsman, in pen and blue ink, u.c. to l.c.: with numbers "1" through "68" indicating lot numbers; in pen and magenta ink, u.c.: "Superficie = 90,521 pieds" [sideways]; c.: "Superficie = 136,200 pieds" [sideways] and "Superficie = 27,013 pieds" [sideways]; and l.c.: "Superficie = 4348 pieds"; and u.c. to l.c.: with lot square footage; in pen and moderate orange and black ink, in various locations: with street names and property owners names; and in pen and black ink, u.c.: "RUELLE"; c.l.: with compass direction in shape of fleur-de-lis and "NORD"; l.l.: "EVECHE" [sideways]; and u.c. to l.c.: with property measurements inscribed and numbered - by an unknown hand, in graphite, c.: "8 och [?] / Dfenurick / 5 och [?]"
Montréal Île de Montréal Québec Canada
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