View of the south wing showing a narrow balcony and eaves trough support, Budge Foundation Old People's Home, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
- A table of contents on graph paper bearing 79 titles is inserted into the front of the album. The table of contents provides an inscribed title for 66 of the 68 photographs in the album. The photograph numbers are indicated at the lower right corner of the album pages, are not in numerical order and do not correspond to the accession numbers. Photographs PH1984:0288:034 and PH1984:0288:068 are unnumbered. Inscribed title number 37 in the table of contents corresponds to both photographs PH1984:0288:041 (37) and PH1984:0288:042 (37A). Inscribed title number 49A, 49B, and 49C in the table of contents corresponds to photographs PH1984:0288:065 (49A), PH1984:0288:066 (49B), PH1984:0288:067 (49C). Photograph PH1984:0288:047 has an inscribed title on the page as well as the title in the table of contents. Sixteen inscribed titles in the table of contents do not correspond to photographs in the album: 1-5, 7, 22, 24, 33-34, 38-39, 76-79.
Gelatin silver print
comp. (vertical): 27.9 x 21.4 cm (11 x 8 7/16 in.) page: 35 x 47 cm (13 3/4 x 18 1/2 in.)
inscribed and dated - by an unknown hand, in pen and black ink, on the print, u.l.: "IB / 30" numbered - by an unknown hand, in black felt-tip pen, on the secondary support, l.r.: "59"
© Estate of Ilse Bing
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