Hôtel de la Délégation, Algiers, Algeria (1982-1985)
Inclus dans:
Personnes et institutions:
  • John Cresswell Parkin (archive creator)

Hôtel de la Délégation, Algiers, Algeria (1982-1985)



Niveau de description archivistique:
  • Approximately 783 drawings (including 626 reprographic copies)
    14 photographic materials
    0.811 l.m. of textual records
Présentation du contenu:
This project series documents the design and construction of the Hôtel de la Délégation in Algiers, Algeria from 1982-1985. The office identified the project number as 8220.
This hotel was designed with inspiration from traditional Maghrebian and Middle Eastern architecture but made in the modern style. The site for the project consisted of the hotel, a neighbouring villa, a separate office complex, a roundabout at the entrance, two pools, tennis courts, gardens and, an arcade. The project proposed several variations on the design for the hotel, including an eight-level option and a ten-level option, the latter adding two levels of parking to the bottom of the building. The hotel was built into a hill so floors that were subterranean on one side of the building were above ground on the other. This latter side had terraced pergolas at every level with views over the pool. The hotel had a multi-level atrium that contained elaborate indoor gardens and trees. While the ground floor was made up of conference rooms, banquet halls and the reception area, the other levels mostly contained hotel rooms.
This project was commissioned by Lavalin International Inc. for the Algerian government, who are referred to in the records as the Présidence de la République, République Algérienne, Démocratique et Populaire. The project is also referred to as Hôtel Alger in the project documentation.
The project is recorded through drawings, photographic materials and textual records dating from 1982-1985. Almost all of the records are in French, with the exception of a few interoffice communications. While there are construction drawings in the project materials, there are also a large number of design drawings showing different schemes and ideas for the hotel. The photographic materials include construction progress photos of the hotel. The textual records consist of correspondence, meeting reports, pre-design records and the project scope, financial documentation, schedules, interoffice letters, construction and detail planning records, specifications and progress reports. Box AP018.S1.1982.PR19.041 in this project series includes an index to the textual materials, which was created by the office.
Numéro de référence:


Mode de classement:
Materials in this project series have been mostly kept in their original order and/or arranged by material type. Some textual records were arranged to reflect the original classification scheme of the office.

Alger Algérie

Langue et écriture des documents:
  • French
  • English

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