West elevation for the Brooklyn Museum master plan, third phase
11 August 1986
- This drawing is part of a group of 23 drawings by Arata Isozaki, DR1987:0039 - DR1987:0060 and DR1987:0100, for the Brooklyn Museum master plan competition. The drawings are executed in graphite and/or pen and black ink on yellow tracing paper, with the exception fo two drawings on white stationary bearing the letterhead "Arata Isozaki & Associates" (DR1987:0055 and DR1987:0056). The Brooklyn Museum master plan, designed by Arata Isozaki & Associates in collaboration with James Stewart Polshek and Partners, was the winning design in an invitational competition held during the summer of 1986. The competition entry is loosely based on the original master plan by McKim, Mead and White, which was only partially completed.
Pen and black ink with graphite
sheet: 45.8 x 52.4 cm
signed and inscribed - by the draughtsman, in pen and black ink, c.r.: "ISO"; and c.l.: "III - W1" dated - by the draughtsman ? in graphite, l.c.: "11.8.86" numbered - by the dealer, in graphite, l.l.: "BM-16"; and verso, l.r.: "AI86.016" [gallery inventory number]
© Arata Isozaki
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