Personnes et institutions:
- John Cresswell Parkin (archive creator)
- John B. Parkin (architect)
- John Cresswell Parkin (architect)
Ottawa Union Station, Ottawa, Ontario (1962-1966)
Niveau de description archivistique:
- 75 drawings (all reprographic copies)
Présentation du contenu:
This project series documents the design and construction of Ottawa Union Station in Ottawa, Ontario from 1962-1966. The office identified the project number as 6253.
This project consisted of a 96,000 square foot train station building, platforms, canopies and site services. The building had two levels, which included a basement and two-storey ground floor. Passengers connected to the station platforms through the basement from the ground floor via a helicoidal ramp in the centre of the building. The passenger concourse was sheltered by a great steel truss roof that had 8 massive columns supporting it. The ground floor included bedrooms, offices, storage, and food and beverage areas. The building, owned by CN Railways, was commissioned by the National Capital Commission, who are recorded as the primary architect on the project, with E.W. Thrift as general manager, and with John B. Parkin Associates acting as consulting architects. The firm of John B. Parkin Associates was presented with a Silver Massey Medal in Architecture in 1967 for the design of this building.
The project is recorded through reprographic copies of architectural and structural drawings dating from 1965-1966.
Numéro de référence:
Mode de classement:
Materials in this project series have been arranged by material type.
Conditions de réproduction:
- Jennifer A.C. Parkin holds copyright for materials in file AP018.S1.1962.PR03.001. Permission must be sought from copyright holder before reproductions can be made.
Sources complémentaires:
- Additional materials for this project are held at the University of Calgary in the John B. Parkin/NORR fonds.
AP018.S1.1962.PR03.001, Set of architectural and structural drawings, Ottawa Union Station, Ottawa, Ontario, 1965
AP018.S1.1962.PR03.002, Construction sections, elevations, details, schedules and plans, Ottawa Union Station, Ottawa, Ontario, 1966