Portrait a British officer [?] leaning against a cannon, Beejapore (now Bijapur), India
March - April 1855
comp.: 14.9 x 19.9 cm page: 54.9 x 37.0 cm
imprinted and dated - in black ink, on the secondary support above the image, t. to c.: "ARCHITECTURE AT BEEJAPOOR, / AN ANCIENT MAHOMETAN CAPITAL IN THE / BOMBAY PRESIDENCY, / PHOTOGRAPHED FROM DRAWINGS BY CAPT. P. D. HART, B.E., A. CUMMING, C.E., AND NATIVE DRAFTSMEN; / AND ON THE SPOT BY COLONEL BIGGS, LATE OF THE ROYAL ARTILLERY, / AND THE LATE MAJOR LOCH, BOMBAY ARMY. / WITH AN HISTORICAL AND DESCRIPTIVE MEMOIR / BY CAPTAIN MEADOWS TAYLOR, M. R. I. A., F. R. G. S. I. / AUTHOR OF "CONFESSIONS OF A THUG," "TARA," ETC. / AND ARCHITECTURAL NOTES / BY JAMES FERGUSSON, F. R. S., M. R. A. S. / FELLOW ROYAL INST. BRIT. ARCHITECTS."; and under the image, l.c.: ""MALIK-I-MYDAN" - "THE MASTER OF THE PLAIN.""; and: "Published for the Committee of Architectural Antiquities of Western India under the patronage of / KURSONDAS MADHOWDAS. / LONDON: / JOHN MURRAY, ALBEMARLE STREET. / 1866." numbered - by an unknown hand, in graphite, on the secondary support below the image, l.l.: "#80" [sideways]
Bijapur; Karnataka; India;
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