Portfolio of views of English Cottages on the South Coast of England, at Birchington, Margate, Hastings, and various other towns
published ca. 1902
- This album was advertised in Hugh Pagan Limited, cat. no. 29, item 70, with the following description: "Students of British architecture of the period around 1900 will be amazed to discover this really very extensive record by a French architectural photographer of seaside villas, boarding houses and so on built in the closing years of the nineteenth century in and around Margate and Hastings. The absence of captions and explanatory text makes detective work necessary as regards exact locations and architects, but as there is no remotely comparable British publication of this date devoted to this kind of house, M.Lévy deserves the warmest appreciation for his zeal. NUC records a copy at Princeton only, and there was no copy of this title in the Weinreb firm's Small English House catalogue of 1977."
comps.: 11.6 x 16.5 cm portfolio: 30.9 x 25.0 x 1.5 cm secondary supports: 24.6 x 30.2 cm
- The images are approximately the size of half-plates, but each varies slightly in height and in width. Portfolio has contemporary cardboard binding, with ties made from black ribbons, u.c., l.c., and c.r., Spine is bound in blue cloth, Inscriptions are imprinted on the cover and on the spine.
imprinted - on the cover of the portfolio, text in black typeset, centered, t. to c.: "ENGLISH COTTAGES / COTTAGES ANGLAIS / SITUÉS / SUR LES COTES / DE LA MANCHE / à / BIRCHINGTON, / MARGATE, / HASTINGS, ETC. / ALBERT LÉVY / PHOTOGRAPHE"; and l.c.: "LIBRAIRIE DE L'ARCHITECTURE ET DES ARTS INDUSTRIELS / EUGÈNE BIGOT / 22, RUE DE LATOUR-D'AUVERGNE, 22, / PARIS" imprinted - on the spine, in gold, c.: "ENGLISH COTTAGES" imprinted - on the title page, in black typeset, centered, t. to c.: "ENGLISH COTTAGES / ON THE / SOUTH COAST / OF ENGLAND / AT BIRCHINGTON, / MARGATE, / HASTINGS, ETC. / PHOTOGRAPHS / by / ALBERT LEVY"; and l.c.: "LIBRAIRIE DE L'ARCHITECTURE ET DES ARTS INDUSTRIELS / EUGÈNE BIGOT / 22, Rue Latour-D'auvergne, 22 / PARIS"
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