Album of views of monuments in India
between 1849 and 1851
Albumen silver print
album (closed): 32.30 X 35.90 cm secondary support: 31.50 X 35.50 cm comp. (smallest): 16,1 x 17,5 cm comp. (largest): 22,3 x 22,5 cm
- Contemporary binding consists of full red leather-covered boards and spine with gilt lettering and gilt and black trim, and moiré endpapers.
numbered - by an unknown hand, in graphite, on the back end paper, l.l.: "X2660" numbered - Photographs PH1997:0001:008, PH1997:0001:011 - PH1997:0001:013, PH1997:0001:035 - PH1997:0001:037, by the photographer ? scratched in the negative, with negative number inscribed - below all of the images, by unknown hand, in pen and black ink, on the secondary support: with title stamped and imprinted - impressed and imprinted, in gilt, on the front cover: with title and on the spine, u.c.: "ALBUM" inscribed - by an unknown hand, in graphite, on the front end paper, verso, u.l.: "Cet album provient / de la collection personnelle / du Bon Alexis de Lagrange" [diagonally]
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