Photograph of a model for the set for Chesterton's play "The Man Who Was Thursday", Kamernyi Theatre, Moscow
1923 ?
Gelatin silver print
comp.: 16.1 x 21.4 cm
- The image and the inscription l.r. of the photograph have been cropped. Lines in graphite on the verso at borders.
numbered - by the photographer ? scratched in the negative, l.r.: "N - 5139" [backwards] numbered, inscribed and dated - by unknown hands, in graphite, on the print, verso, u.c.: "80" [between arrows]; "48'77-2"; and "O (I) - 6 -, 22" [within rectangle]; c.r.: "1" [circled] and "685"; l.c.: "Alexandre Vesnine / Maquette du disp[illeg.] scénique / Constructiviste pour "le hommé [sic] jeudi" / [illeg.] aprés Chsterton [sic] au Theatre de Cham[illeg.] / 1922 23. [underlined]"; and b.: "114'5% 9" imprinted - in the image, c.l.: "[?]AIM / [?]N / CHETVERGOM [underlined; diagonally] / V / SOVET [underlined] / SEMERYKH [underlined]" [? / ? / THURSDAY [underlined; diagonally] / IN / UNION [underlined] / OF SEVEN [underlined]]
Moscow; Russia (Federation);
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