Photographs of drawings for a workers settlement in Kashira, a circus, and a Red Army Dormitory
after 1923-1924
Gelatin silver prints
page (bound): 35,8 x 46,5 cm comps. (range; irreg.): 3,9 to 11,8 x 7,5 to 17,8 cm
-Nine rectangular photographs arranged on periphery of album page with lozenge-shaped photograph in centre.
numbered and inscribed - by an unknown hand, in graphite, on the secondary support, u.l.: "1" [circled; erased] and "1" [within square]; in various locations: with numbers "1" through "10" [circled]; u.c.: "Kashira"; and c.: with "[illeg.] [erased] imprinted, numbered, signed and dated - in the image, u.l.: "TSIRK" [CIRCUS; underlined] (PH1998:0013:001:001); t.: "TSIRKA." [[of] CIRCUS.; underlined]; and l.r.: with legend; "Z Lisagor"; and "III-V./1924." (PH1998:0013:001:002); u.r.: "KASHIRA" [underlined] (PH1998:0013:001:003); c.l. to c.r.: with numbers "10" through "13" [on buildings] (PH1998:0013:001:005); c.l.: "[K]ASHIRA" [vertically] (PH1998:0013:001:006); u.l.: "KASHIRA" [underlined]; c.r.: "Obshchezhitie [underlined] na / 72 ch[eloveka] [underlined]" [Dormitory [underlined] for / 72 p[eople] [underlined]; and in various locations: with specifications (PH1998:0013:001:008); u.l.: "[?] KRASNOARMEISKIKH / OBSHCHEZHITII" [[?] RED ARMY / DORMITORIES] (PH1998:0013:001:009); and u.l.: "KRASNOARM[eiskoe]. / OBSHCHEZHITIE" [RED ARM[y]. / DORMITORY] (PH1998:0013:001:010)
Kashira; Russia (Federation);
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