Painting and sculpture in Europe, 1880-1940 / George Heard Hamilton.
Entrée principale:

Hamilton, George Heard, author.

Titre et auteur:

Painting and sculpture in Europe, 1880-1940 / George Heard Hamilton.


Baltimore : Penguin Books, [1967]


xxiv, 443 pages, 193 plates ; 27 cm.


The Pelican history of art ; Z29

Issued in a case.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 391-419).
1. Introduction -- 2. Later Impressionism -- 3. Symbolist art -- 4. Expressionism -- 5. Cubism -- 6. Abstract and non-objective art -- 7. Dada and surrealism -- 8. School of Paris: 1920-40 -- 9. Independent schools and masters -- 10. Postscript: towards tomorrow.
1. Introduction -- 2. Later Impressionism: Edgar Degas (1834-1917) / Auguste Renoir (1841-1919) / Claude Monet (1840-1926) / Paul Cezanne (1839-1906) / Georges Seurat (1859-91) and Neo-impressionism / James McNeill Whistler (1834-1903) and impressionism in England / Auguste Rodin (1840-1917) / Medardo Rosso (1858-1928) -- 3. Symbolist art: Gustave Moreau (1826-98) / Pierre Puvis de Chavannes (1824-98) / Odilon Redon (1840-1916) / Paul Gauguin (1848-1903) / Vincent Van Gogh (1853-90) / The school of Pont-Aven and the Nabis / Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (1864-1901) / James Ensor (1860-1949) / Edvard Munch (1863-1944) / Ferdinand Hodler (1853-1918) / Art Nouveau and Jugendstil / Symbolist art in Russia: The Slavic revival and Mir Iskusstva / Symbolist art in Spain: The early work of Pablo Picasso / English symbolists: Burne-Jones, Beardsley, Augustus John / Symbolist sculpture / Aristide Maillol (1861-1944) -- 4. Expressionism: The Fauves (1900-10); Matisse, Derain, and Vlaminck ; Georges Rouault (1871-1958) / Modern German art / Wilhelm Lehmbruck (1881-1919) / Ernst Barlach (1870-1938) / Kathe Kollwitz (1867-1945) / Paula Modersohn-Becker (1876-1907) / Emil Nolde (1867-1953) / Die Brucke (The bridge); 1905-14 / Kandinsky in Munich; 1896-1914 / Franz Marc and Der Blaue Reiter (The blue rider); 1910-16 / Henri Rousseau,'le Douanier', and the naive painters / Post-impressionist and Fauve influences in British painting -- 5. Cubism: Georges Braque and Pablo Picasso; 1906-20 / Juan Gris (1887-1927) / Fernand Leger (1881-1955) / Cubism as a movement; 1910-14 / Orphic Cubism; 1909-14 / Purism; 1918-25 / Cubist sculpture / Henri Laurens (1885-1954) / Alexander Archipenko (1887-1964) / Ossip Zadkine / Raymond Duchamp-Villon (1876-1918) / Jacques Lipchitz / Futurism; 1909-16 / Vorticism; 1913-20 -- 6. Abstract and non-objective art : Abstract and non-objective art in Russia; 1904-22 / Larionov, Goncharova and Rayonism / Malevich and Suprematism / Constructivism / El Lissitzky (1890-1941) / De Stijl in the Netherlands; 1917-32 / Theo Van Doesburg (1883-1931) / Piet Mondrian (1872-1944) / The Bauhaus and abstract art in Germany / Lyonel Feininger (1871-1956) / Oskar Schlemmer (1888-1943) / Kandinsky at the Bauhaus; 1922-33 / Laszlo Moholy-Nagy (1895-1946) / Josef Albers / Willi Baumeister (1889-1955) / The abstract film; Viking Eggeling and Hans Richter / Abstract art in France / Later Constructivist sculpture; Pevsner and Gabo / Abstract art in England -- 7. Dada and surrealism : Dada in Zurich; 1916-21 / Dada in New York; 1913-21 / Dada in Berlin and Cologne; 1918-20 / Dada in Hanover: Kurt Schwitters / Dada in Paris; 1919-22 / From Dada to Surrealism; Andre Breton / Giorgio de Chirico and the Scuola Metafisica; 1913-19 / The surrealist image / Max Ernst / Yves Tanguy / Salvador Dali / Rene Magritte and Paul Delvaux / Abstract Surrealism; Andre Masson and Joan Miro / The surrealist object / Alberto Giacometti (1901-66) / The surrealist movement in England -- 8. School of Paris: 1920-40: Amedeo Modigliani (1884-1920) / Chaim Soutine (1894-1943) / Jules Pascin (1885-1930) / Maurice Utrillo (1883-1955) / Marc Chagall / Neo-romanticism; Berman, Tchelitchew, and Balthus / The later work of Matisse / The later work of Braque / The later work of Picasso / Constantin Brancusi and Jean Arp / Julio Gonzalez (1876-1942) -- 9. Independent schools and masters: German painting and sculpture; 1920-40 / George Grosz and Otto Dix / Carl Hofer and Max Beckmann / German sculpture; 1920-40 / 'Entartete Kunst' (Degenerate art) / Austrian expressionism; Richard Gerstl and Egon Schiele / Oscar Kokoschka / Paul Klee (1879-1940) / Painting in Belgium and Holland; 1900-40 / Painting and sculpture in Italy; 1920-40 / Stanley Spencer and Henry Moore -- 10. Postscript: towards tomorrow.
Library copy: without slipcase.

Sculpture, European.
Art, European.
Painting, European 19th century.
Painting, European 20th century.
Sculpture, European 19th century.
Sculpture, European 20th century.
Art européen.
Peinture européenne 19e siècle.
Peinture européenne 20e siècle.
Sculpture européenne 19e siècle.
Sculpture européenne 20e siècle.
Sculpture européenne.
Painting, European
Plastische kunst.
Peinture Europe 1900-1945.
Sculpture Europe 1900-1945.
Peinture Europe 19e siècle.
Sculpture Europe 20e siècle.
Peinture Europe 20e siècle.
Sculpture Europe 19e siècle.
Paintings, European History.
Sculpture, European History.


works of art.
Œuvres d'art.

Vedettes secondaires:

Pelican history of art ; Z29.


Localisation: Bibliothèque study room 21983
Cote: PO1757 ND457 REF; ID:87-B895
Statut: Disponible


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