Canada: a visual history [by] D.G.G. Kerr and R.I.K. Davidson.
Entrée principale:

Kerr, D. G. G. (Donald Gordon Grady), 1913-1976, editor.

Titre et auteur:

Canada: a visual history [by] D.G.G. Kerr and R.I.K. Davidson.


Toronto, T. Nelson (Canada) [©1966]


170 pages (chiefly illustrations, maps) 31 cm

Complements D.G.G. Kerr's A historical atlas of Canada.
"Sources": pages 163-164.
Early arrivals in North America -- The age of discovery -- Samuel de Champlain -- The Indians and the fur trade -- The missionaries and the Indians -- The founding of Montreal -- The character of New France. The age of Laval and Talon -- The eighteenth century -- Trouble on the perimeter -- The fall of Louisbourg and Quebec -- The surrender of New France -- Early English-French relations -- The American Revolution and the Loyalists -- Explorers and fur traders. In the north-west -- On the pacific coast -- The War of 1812 -- Roads and early railroads -- The waterways -- Expanding settlement in Upper Canada -- Lumbering and shipbuilding in the Maritimes -- Family compact society -- Controversy over education -- The rebellions and responsible government -- The opening of the Grand Trunk Railway -- An expanding economy -- Life in the provincial capitals -- Arctic explorers: Sir John Franklin and others -- Prairie explorers: Hind and Palliser -- The Red River settlement -- British Columbia. The Fraser-Cariboo gold rushes -- In the cariboo -- American threats -- Confederation. The conferences -- The personalities -- The Red River insurrection -- Rounding out confederation. British Columbia -- The Maritimes -- Improving relations with the United States -- Early transcontinental surveys and the Pacific scandal -- The Indians of the plains -- The whisky traders and the North West Mounted Police -- Building the Canadian Pacific Railway -- The C.P.R. in operation. Transcontinental passenger services -- The Pacific steamships -- The improvement and extension of services -- The Northwest Rebellion. Personalities -- The fighting -- The aftermath -- Prairie settlement. Arrivals -- The Doukhobors -- Homesteading -- The wheat economy -- Ranching and general prosperity -- Industrial and urban development -- British Columbia. Lumbering and fishing -- Mining and other developments -- The Atlantic region -- Ontario and Quebec. Lumbering on the Ottawa -- The square timber trade -- Oil and electricity -- Pulp and paper and mining -- Montreal -- Toronto -- The north. Trails to the Klondike -- Dawson City -- Continuing exploration -- Political tensions -- Canada and the Empire -- The First World War. In Canada -- In the trenches -- Vimy Ridge -- Conscription and peace -- The Twenties. Prosperity -- The move to the cities and other changes -- Drought and depression. On the prairies -- Unemployment -- Pre-war politics -- The Second World War. The early years -- The invasion of Europe -- In recent years. Political and social changes -- Economic growth and change -- A new outlook



Canada History Pictorial works.
Canada History.
Canada Histoire Ouvrages illustrés.


illustrated books.
Illustrated works
Ouvrages illustrés.

Vedettes secondaires:

Davidson, R. I. K., editor.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main canada 2142
Cote: PO9046 CAN; ID:87-B1145
Statut: Disponible


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