The High Victorian movement in architecture, 1850-1870 / Stefan Muthesius
Entrée principale:

Muthesius, Stefan, author.

Titre et auteur:

The High Victorian movement in architecture, 1850-1870 / Stefan Muthesius


London, Boston, Routledge & K. Paul, 1972.


xvii, 252 pages illustrations, plans 26 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 243-246).
Introduction -- Pugin and the Ecclesiologists in the 1840s. Historicism ; Picturesque utility in Ecclesiological architecture ; Masonry construction ; Massiveness ; 'Rustic' churches of the forties ; J.L. Petit ; Polychromy ; Italy ; Brick ; Developments abroad -- John Ruskin. Architectural drawing ; The seven lamps of architecture ; The stones of Venice, I ; Ruskin and architectural theory -- Theory and building in the early fifties: Street, White and others. Writings by Street and others ; Buildings by Street ; William White and others ; 'Rogue' tendencies -- Brick and 'constructional polychromy' in the work of Butterfield and White. Butterfield''s architecture round 1850: All Saints, Margaret Street ; Butterfield: the early fifties and the cottage-type ; Butterfield: the later fifties ; White's work of the later fifties ; Teulon and others ; Butterfield and White in the sixties --Street and others from 1855 to 1860 -- New tendencies in the late fifties and sixties. France ; William Burges ; Godwin, Nesfield and Shaw ; Street and others in the 1860s ; 'Town churches': Pearson and Brooks ; Roman Catholic churches ; The 'art-architect' -- High Victorianism -- public and commercial. Benjamin Woodward ; George Gilbert Scott ; Alfred Waterhouse ; The Law Courts competition ; Commercial street architecture ; The 'iron problem' -- Epilogue: The end of High Victorianism.
Current Copyright Fee: GBP28.00 0.



Architecture, Victorian Great Britain.
Architecture victorienne Grande-Bretagne.
Architecture, Victorian.
Architecture Great Britain History 19th century.
Great Britain.
Architecture Great Britain, 1850-1870


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 4349
Cote: W1250; ID:87-B20071
Statut: Disponible


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